Welcome!   You are in the right place.

You are a high achiever in life but have a longing for more…  More joy, meaning, creativity, freedom, and authenticity.

You’ve mastered what looks good, but for some reason that no longer FEELS good.

You are a highly skilled people-pleaser but have forgotten what brings YOU pleasure, never mind how to genuinely receive it. 

You are a spiritual person devoted to personal development but are hitting walls with integrating what you “know” with how you live and need some support.   

You have a great life on paper, but you are ready to live life off the page!  


I’m Lianne Joy,

and I’ve been there!

Like you, I learned early on the masculine ways of “the world.”  Doing, pushing, excelling, etc.

And when I was finally on that edge ready for a new day and longing for a more soulful, passionate truer life, I found myself stuck inside of one reality that was increasingly uncomfortable (but at least familiar!) and not sure how to transition into whatever was next.

I kept asking and praying for CLARITY —-some magic lightning bolt that would crystallize an exact game plan for me to follow to get unstuck.

Even after I made the courageous leap off the edge into the unknown, I again found myself asking & praying for CLARITY about where and how to land in the next chapter.

What I’ve learned is that clarity is ultimately an organic feminine journey rather than a color by numbers process. But in my repeated quests for this clarity, and with the help of teachers and mentors, I became a bit of an expert in the helpful questions, processes, and distinctions that get us there. 

I’ve walked through the shadows of this journey and am synthesizing a special program to help you do the same!

If you’d like to know about the upcoming availability of this Clarity ASAP program, subscribe below.

If you’d like to be on my “first to know” list for this or other divine feminine programs or if you’d like to be on my waitlist for personal coaching sessions please contact me.

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